The California State passed two “friendly alien” laws in October.  The first amends the Vehicle Code relating to issuance of driver’s licenses to illegal aliens.   Previously, the DMV required an applicant for an original driver’s license or ID card to submit proof he or she was legally in the state.  The DMV is now required …

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  • October 22, 2013
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The California State Legislature has amended the Health and Safety Code relating to body art.   This new law signed by the Governor on October 4, 2013, provides minimum standards for tattoos and branding, including an informed consent document, requires a body art facility and requires any information to be maintained in compliance with HIPPA. Speaking …

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  • October 15, 2013
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The San Fernando Valley Business Journal’s Trusted Advisors Awards were held on August 13th at the Universal Hilton Hotel. Nominees ranged from attorneys to bankers with about 90 finalists in total. Kristi’s commitment to her clients’ goals and objectives, problem solving skills, and excellent reputation contributed to her recognition for this award. Congratulations to Kristi and to all of …

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  • August 15, 2013
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Employers Can “Pick Off” Plaintiffs to Defeat a Federal Wage & Hour Collective Action By Robyn McKibbin, Esq. Plaintiff Laura Symczyk sued her employer on behalf of herself and “other employees similarly situated” alleging the company automatically deducted 30 minutes of time per shift for meal breaks even when the employees performed compensable work in …

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  • June 13, 2013
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